Tuesday, June 9, 2015


From civil unions

"Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend is his wife."
~ Frank Schubert

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV)

There are times I don't know if I should slap fellow Christians or stick a baby bottle in their crying mouths.  That sounds dismissive and condescending, but when it comes to all the hoopla, whining, loud grousing, and foot stomping over gay marriage I'm afraid the Church has got it coming.  

The oft asked question by Gay Activists about Jesus is, Q: "What does Jesus say about homosexuality or about gay marriage?"   A: "Absolutely nothing!" That seems to really get under Christian's skins, and it's simply childish.  Every Christian should know that only those who don't know how to study the Bible make arguments from silence.  There are so many things Jesus never spoke about, so in the vast majority of cases what Jesus is silent about has nothing whatsoever to do with, and no bearing on anything he taught.  When LGBT people attempt an argument from silence the proper response is what Jesus did say about marriage.  Matthew 19:4-6 affirms God's intent for marriage, reiterates what is written about the nature of marriage that is put forth in Genesis.  



Did God create gay marriage?  (Please refer to Matthew 19:4-6, and read again when someone tells you there is such a thing as gay marriage). CALM DOWN! If God did not create gay marriage then it ISN'T REAL. Stop giving human beings the power to create something they do not have the power or authority to create.  If the federal, state, or local government give a marriage license so dragons can marry unicorns what would you think about that?   You wouldn't care if the fed, state, or local governments gave imaginary beasts the power to wed!  Then why come unglued when the government creates imaginary marriage for people?  

You need to stop and think about this:  

Do you seriously believe you are going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and talk about how you stood up to and fought against the delusions of a lost and broken world?!?!   "Lord, the people of the world were delusional and we fought those delusions tooth and nail!"  Which is more delusional, which is more blind and lost, the person who creates the delusion or the one who critiques the delusion?   Who is the greater fool the creator of cloud castles or the self-appointed architectural critic of the cloud castle?  

Let churches decide for themselves what is marriage and what is not marriage and separate civil marriage from covenant marriage in the body of Christ.  Let us be proactive and get out ahead of the curve, by deciding what marriage is and isn't for ourselves as believers.  We then divorce ourselves from what governments do with marriage licenses, and such.  

Roger Olson has a fantastic article about this very matter, and here's the link:

Now turn off the histrionics and nonsense!  If you are one of those whining and complaining about gay marriage then you offer to research and write the draft for your church's new marriage policy, and then work very hard to encourage your church to divorce covenant marriage from civil marriage.  You'll see it won't be that hard, and maybe during the process you'll mature as a Christian. 

Don't make me come give you a time out!!  I WILL DO IT!!

Just some thoughts,


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