Wednesday, June 17, 2015


It depends on the depth of your delusion 

“So you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy."  
Exodus 31:13
(Bold and underlined print is my addition).

Evangelical gadfly Tony Campolo has come out in favor of full acceptance, by churches, of same-sex married couples.  He released the statement on his blog a few days ago.  Campolo explains the process of his reasoning this way:

"One reason I am changing my position on this issue is that, through Peggy, I have come to know so many gay Christian couples whose relationships work in much the same way as our own. Our friendships with these couples have helped me understand how important it is for the exclusion and disapproval of their unions by the Christian community to end. We in the Church should actively support such families. Furthermore, we should be doing all we can to reach, comfort and include all those precious children of God who have been wrongly led to believe that they are mistakes or just not good enough for God, simply because they are not straight.

I like Campolo's reasoning, I really do.  I honestly believe Campolo has struggled greatly with this matter, and his conclusions seem logical.  I don't accept Campolo's reasoning because I can't accept it.  If Campolo were the creator of marriage, if he were the founder of Christianity, and had died on a cross for my sins to save and free me, then I could accept Campolo's reasoning and conclusions.  Campolo may claim whatever religious tradition he likes, but the Bible places upon those who claim faith in Jesus Christ, that Jesus is God's human/divine representation to the world.  Campolo is not God's savior, I am not God's savior, Billy Graham isn't God's savior, and etc.  God points only and always to Jesus as his answer for sin and slavery to sin. Make no bones about it, there is not one place in Scripture where homosexuality is addressed that homosexuality is not viewed in a completely negative way.  The standard for what marriage is, is consistent, from the Old Testament through the New Testament.  Jesus, speaking of marriage, affirmed the picture of what God intends for marriage: 

“that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV)

I get a lot of pushback from progressive Christians because their acceptance of gay marriage seems, on its face, reasonable.  I have no doubt, that they, like Campolo, have invested time, sweat, and tears struggling with the matter of Same-Sex Marriage.  The difference between me and the progressive Christians, like Tony Campolo, is I don't begin with the imagined or real needs of individuals or groups.  As a Christian my thinking begins with what the Bible teaches.  I do not always like what the Bible has to say about issues and matters concerning human beings. But Jesus never asks for my opinion, he only asks for my trust and obedience. 

Honestly, were I having a conversation with Campolo I'd ask him to hold up his hands, I would hold up mine as well, and ask, "Are there any nail holes in your hands or are there any nail holes in my hands?"   I understand that's a bit snarky on my part, but I want to establish who is and who is not authoritative on matters, to which the Bible clearly speaks.  Like it or not:  He who has the nail prints in his hands and feet, the thorn marks upon his brow, the spear hole in his side, the marks from the scourge on his back, who died and rose from the dead is the one who tells us what is true about marriage.  Jesus claims that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him.  Jesus gets the final say so.     

Jesus' message isn't easy;  isn't always fun; doesn't always, at first glance, make sense; and goes against what the world around us feels and wants.  The expectation of Jesus Christ is that we trust and obey him (John 8:31-32).  7 times from John 13 to John 17 Jesus makes obedience equal with love for him. That people can make their sexual immorality look a lot like love doesn't raise their or anyone else's sexual immorality to the standard of what God calls love.  Campolo wants people to accept people, and that is certainly an admirable and, indeed even Christlike attitude.  The problem isn't the acceptance of people.  The problem Campolo and other progressives ignore is that their way of acceptance is accepting people Jesus tells us are enslaved to sin. Jesus died to set us free from slavery to sin, so there is no way to make acceptance of enslavement acceptable to Jesus. Jesus accepts all who come to him, but if we are in Christ then we are dead to sin.  If we are dead to sin then we don't continue in sexual immorality.  


What does freedom from sexual immorality look like?  What is the discipleship process for the sexually broken, and how does the "everyday" kind of Christian join the sexually broken in that discipleship walk? The Ex-gay ministry Exodus International was a horrendous failure!  The idea behind ministries like Exodus is outreach to broken people by people who are called "wounded healers".  The problem with homosexuals being "wounded healers" is it doesn't work if the healers aren't healed.  If you put two people who have the same disease into a room together, with the expectation they'll cure one another, you are in for an UGLY SHOCK. Before expecting a wounded healer to work with others toward their cure, the wounded healer has to be under the power of the cure.  The religious organizations supporting Exodus International, in truth, were, largely, using the ministry as a hazardous waste dump for people they didn't want to deal with.  Exodus International didn't fail because God can't cure homosexuality, but because Christians were and are chiefly indifferent to the freedom of sexually broken people.  If "everyday" Christians (not suffering with Same-Sex Attraction) had invested themselves in the sexually broken (and not just LGBT persons), working and walking with them toward wholeness in Christ, the Exodus International story would have been very different.  

"If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." 

1 Corinthians 13:3

Lots of churches, para-church organizations, and individual Christians gave a great deal of financial support to the poor messed up people at Exodus International.  Plenty of Christians have decided they're going to suffer the "slings and arrows" of unrighteous people who don't like Christians in our ever evolving and sexually saturated culture. 

I certainly don't agree with what Tony Campolo is doing. But I gotta say, if you don't like the direction Campolo and other progressives are going then hold to the Bible's teachings, reach out to sexually broken people, work and walk with them toward relationship with God, and the freedom that brings.  You don't have to know exactly what to do. When you offer God's love the false love of the sexually broken will show itself to be false.  Quit focusing on their sin and believe the God, "who makes you (and them) holy."  With the grace and truth in Jesus Christ the sin ceases to be a problem.  Stop obsessing about the sickness, live under the power and authority of the cure yourself.  Go to the sick slaves to offer the cure through relationship with them!  

ONLY God makes holy.  So my prayer is that God will give Tony Campolo and other progressives, who've bought into the delusion, eyes to see that only God can make marriage holy.  

Just Some Thoughts,


Thursday, June 11, 2015


No man is created by God to be a "horn dog"

"And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things."
~ Terry Pratchett

In my men's Bible study, one of the guys confessed, "I still struggle when a random pretty woman walks by."  The general response, in a room full of men was, "Join the club!" (chuckle chuckle).  The maleness of men has been used to excuse the sin of viewing and treating women like things or objects, since, well, forever.  

In American culture men looking at women as objects to be used sexually has been raised to the level of birthright.  The thinking is, just being born male means you are hardwired to look at women and measure them by their sexual attractiveness.  Some of this attitude may, in fact, be a genetically based predisposition, but that doesn't mean men are just hardwired to reduce women to sexual objects.  Biology, more or less, sets up the way our brains are going to process information.  Our brains are hardwired to naturally begin judging, categorizing, compartmentalizing, and etc. whatever we see.  We might call this natural brain process as operating under 'factory default settings', or biological default settings.  BUT with our brains God also gives us control of, and responsibility of how our minds work by giving us "value judgment" controls. We males may start our adult lives at 13 or 14, at puberty.   The male brain newly nuked by powerful hormones give us, typically, what we might call, in common vernacular, "horn dog" setting.  The fact guys lose our minds a bit because of the assault of hormones in our youth, does not mean we must, or should leave our mind's value judgment settings at "horn dog" level for the rest of our natural lives!  And dads should be teaching their young sons not to allow their mind's settings to stay at "horn dog" level for very long.  

Do you remember the first stereo, computer, iPod, or smart cell phone you ever got?  I remember the first stereo I ever bought as a young teenager.  When I opened the box and took the stereo receiver out I knew I was going to have to do some knob or dial turning before I could ever enjoy the sound of music from my stereo.  If I did everything right, to get the stereo set up, according to the way the manufacturer created the stereo, but failed to adjust the the control knobs I'd never hear any music.  The default setting, from the factory, for the volume knob was turned all the way to the left at the volume setting "0".  "0" means "zero sound".  Any guy who is into electronic stuff knows the first thing he's gonna have to do is start changing 'factory settings' before he can uses his cool new tech gadgets.  So guys there is no excuse for allowing your minds to continue acting like they did when you were a kid.  

The problem with our minds is God's given us prefered settings for our brains, but we've got the volume control set to "0".   We're not hearing God's voice.  The good news is God has told us the settings he has created for us to work properly, and he's put those in the Bible:  

"I made a covenant with my eyes not to look
lustfully at a young woman."

Job 31:1

 "For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world."

1 John 2:16

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Matthew 5:28 

Early in my new life in Christ I made a conscious decision to sit down and choose how I was going to look at women.  Today at age 51 I'll give you a little view of what that looks like.  

My eyes take in the view of a pretty, 18-25 year-old female.  Then my brain begins to process this basic information:

First thought: "Young enough to be my daughter/granddaughter."
Second thought:  "Little girl"
Third thought:  (Usually, but not always), "Could someone please get this child some clothing, cause everything is falling out all over the place!!"
Fourth thought:  "Who is this child's dad, and what is he, a PIMP, that he let's this child dress like a HOOKER??!!!"  

There are other descriptive words and phrases that come up during the entire process, but all of the value settings lead to one composite, unified, response:

OH H*** NO!!!!!

If you are a guy who claims to be born of God's own Spirit and call Jesus Lord and savior then you have no excuse.  You cannot simply go through life with the broken world's attitude and false belief that, "Well, God just made guys this way."  God frees and empowers us, and absolutely insists that we take control of our minds and change how we look at and deal with women. Take the time to sit down and consciously decide how your mind is going to respond to women in a godly and righteous way.  DECIDE, because God has decided for us, by right now conforming us to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.  In Christ our "default" setting now is that we walk in love, righteousness, and godliness.   It isn't easy, but we're guys and if you're an adult guy then you know "easy" is rarely a part of the instructions we get in life.  

You know the drill...




Tuesday, June 9, 2015


From civil unions

"Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend is his wife."
~ Frank Schubert

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Matthew 19:4-6 (NIV)

There are times I don't know if I should slap fellow Christians or stick a baby bottle in their crying mouths.  That sounds dismissive and condescending, but when it comes to all the hoopla, whining, loud grousing, and foot stomping over gay marriage I'm afraid the Church has got it coming.  

The oft asked question by Gay Activists about Jesus is, Q: "What does Jesus say about homosexuality or about gay marriage?"   A: "Absolutely nothing!" That seems to really get under Christian's skins, and it's simply childish.  Every Christian should know that only those who don't know how to study the Bible make arguments from silence.  There are so many things Jesus never spoke about, so in the vast majority of cases what Jesus is silent about has nothing whatsoever to do with, and no bearing on anything he taught.  When LGBT people attempt an argument from silence the proper response is what Jesus did say about marriage.  Matthew 19:4-6 affirms God's intent for marriage, reiterates what is written about the nature of marriage that is put forth in Genesis.  



Did God create gay marriage?  (Please refer to Matthew 19:4-6, and read again when someone tells you there is such a thing as gay marriage). CALM DOWN! If God did not create gay marriage then it ISN'T REAL. Stop giving human beings the power to create something they do not have the power or authority to create.  If the federal, state, or local government give a marriage license so dragons can marry unicorns what would you think about that?   You wouldn't care if the fed, state, or local governments gave imaginary beasts the power to wed!  Then why come unglued when the government creates imaginary marriage for people?  

You need to stop and think about this:  

Do you seriously believe you are going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and talk about how you stood up to and fought against the delusions of a lost and broken world?!?!   "Lord, the people of the world were delusional and we fought those delusions tooth and nail!"  Which is more delusional, which is more blind and lost, the person who creates the delusion or the one who critiques the delusion?   Who is the greater fool the creator of cloud castles or the self-appointed architectural critic of the cloud castle?  

Let churches decide for themselves what is marriage and what is not marriage and separate civil marriage from covenant marriage in the body of Christ.  Let us be proactive and get out ahead of the curve, by deciding what marriage is and isn't for ourselves as believers.  We then divorce ourselves from what governments do with marriage licenses, and such.  

Roger Olson has a fantastic article about this very matter, and here's the link:

Now turn off the histrionics and nonsense!  If you are one of those whining and complaining about gay marriage then you offer to research and write the draft for your church's new marriage policy, and then work very hard to encourage your church to divorce covenant marriage from civil marriage.  You'll see it won't be that hard, and maybe during the process you'll mature as a Christian. 

Don't make me come give you a time out!!  I WILL DO IT!!

Just some thoughts,
