Wednesday, May 13, 2015


NOTE:  I am a Christian who holds to a traditional view of the Bible.  If you are not of the same variety of Christian, then you may be offended.  My intent is not to offend.  This post is aimed at my fellow Christians who hold to a traditional view of the Bible.  

Keep comments and discussions respectful and clean.  Stay on topic.  Do not post links in my comments section, unless you give me the opportunity to look at the link first.  If any comments violate these few simple rules I will delete them.

Gay Weddings?

This is a question I received from a friend I've been having a conversation with, about attending a gay wedding.  It is one of the best questions I've ever been asked.

His Question:

When you attend a homosexual wedding and they get to the part where the minister says, "If anyone knows just cause why these two should not lawfully be joined together, let him speak now or forever hold his peace," what do you do?

My Answer:

I would say absolutely nothing. There is nothing of or from God going on in the situation. God created marriage, for one man and one woman. The state cannot nullify God's creation and they cannot override God's power. Some guy or gal wearing fancy churchy vestments, and mouthing empty flowery sounding words, invoking God's name and calling him/herself Rev. is meaningless if God has nothing to do with it. Would you care if the state legalized marriage between elves and unicorns? You are giving weight and power to something that has none. Why are you allowing the world to tell you what is and isn't important? Why do you focus on the foolishness of the world? Why are you not heartbroken that people are broken and are widening the gulf between God and sinner, thickening the chains of slavery, and deepening the darkness people are in??
When will you quit allowing your attention to be high jacked by a bunch fairy tales? When will you stop fearing what mere men do? "OH NO! The big bad state is going to make God's marriage a joke?" I know why the world believes this stuff, but they are broken, deceived, in the dark, enslaved to sin, hardhearted, and cannot understand the truth. You are a Christian!!! You have no excuse for giving any kind of credence to this!! Please brother, stop giving the world power to push you around and start offering the cure for foolishness, brokenness, lostness. If you have an eternal relationship with God, then you have the means to walk with lost people toward Jesus Christ. Jesus is going to overcome their sin when they come to him. No more sin no more of the nonsense in their lives! YAY GOD!

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